english deutsch 

The CEF Explorer was an integral part of the outreach activities of CEF. It was aimed at high school students (Gymnasien) and was running from 2009 up to 2017. The programme brought academic research straight into secondary schools to stimulate the scientific interest of young students and to promote Riedberg Campus as an excellent place to study and pursue a scientific career. The underlying didactic concept was to ‘learn to explore’. Selected students had the opportunity to conduct experiments in the authentic surroundings of CEF laboraties together with renowned scientists, with the aim to solve a specific research question. Results were documented according to good laboratory practice and presented in posters as part of a student symposium at the end of each project phase. The research questions tackled were developed in context with the respective school curriculum for science classes. Close collaboration between participating scientists and school teachers ensured effectiveness and promoted the teaching of life sciences at secondary school level.


Arnim Lühken, Goethe-Schülerlabor, Goethe University Frankfurt, luehken(at)chemie.uni-frankfurt.de, Tel. 069 798-29446 (oder -29454, -29456)