CEF Events 2014
4 December 2014
Martin Beck, EMBL Heidelberg
"Integrative structural analysis of the human nuclear pore complex" [Poster]
29 October 2014
Saleh Ibrahim, Universität zu Lübeck
"Mitochondrial genome in aging" [Poster]
22 September 2014
Richard Youle, NINDS Porter Neuroscience Research Center, USA
"Damage Control: role of PINK1, Parkin and mitochondrial autophagy in Parkinson’s Disease" [Poster]
24 July 2014
Ilme Schlichting, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg
"X-ray FELs: Emerging opportunities for structural biology" [Poster]
18 July 2014
Thorsten Wohland, National University of Singapore
"Investigation of morphogen action and interactions in live zebrafsh embryos by Fluorescence Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy (FCCS)" [Poster]
21-22 May 2014
CEF Focus Project & Adjunct Investigator Symposium
Link to further information and online registration
24 April 2014
Andreas Herrmann, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin
"Receptor Specificity of Influenza Virus - A Single Virus Force Spectroscopy and Force Probe MD Simulation study" [Poster]
13 March 2014
CEF-Minisymposium "Signalling Complexes in Innate and Adaptive Immunity" [Poster]
Andrea Ablasser, Bonn University
"The innate immune response to DNA in the cytosol"
Michael Reth, MPI of Immunobiology & Epigenetics and Freiburg University
"Sensing the unknown for antibody production: From the side chain theory to the dissociation activation model" [Abstract]
26 February 2014
Rudolf Winklbauer, University of Toronto, Canada
"Tissue separation in the vertebrate embryo" [Poster]
18 February 2014
Rachel Green, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Baltimore, USA
"mRNA surveillance starts on the ribosome" [Poster]
21 January 2014
Zvulun Elazar, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
"Autophagy in health and disease" [Poster]