english deutsch 



Ernst Bamberg

Rumford Prize of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences

Citation Laureate, Web of Science Group

Simone FuldaLeopoldina Membership
Inga HäneltLife Sciences Bridge Award, Aventis Foundation
Nina MorgnerHeisenberg Professur, DFG

Robert Tampé


Reinhart Koselleck Project, DFG


Ivan DikicMax Planck Fellowship
Stefan KnappEMBO Membership
Erin SchumanMika Salpeter Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society for Neuroscience

Robert Tampé


ERC Advanced Investigator Grant



Ivan DikicERC Advanced Investigator Grant
Stefanie DimmelerWilly Pitzer Award
Rolf MarschalekReinhart Koselleck Project, DFG

Erin Schuman


ERC Advanced Investigator Grant


Christian BehrendsPLUS3 fellow of the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation
Anja BremmAdolf Messer Stiftungspreis
Ivan Dikic Vallee Visiting Professor
Simone FuldaIngrid-zu-Solms Special Award, Berner Stiftung

Ernst Stelzer


Lennart Philipson Award


Amparo Acker-PalmerERC Advanced Investigator Grant
Ivan DikicSGRF Excellence in Science Award
Stefanie DimmelerERC Advanced Investigator Grant
Achilleas FrangakisERC Proof of Concept Grant

Harald Schwalbe


Szent-Györgyi Lecture
GRADE Award for Best Doctoral Supervision


Simone FuldaGerman Cancer Award
Thomas PrisnerInternational Zavoisky Award
Harald SchwalbeScientist of the Year

Ernst Stelzer


Carl Zeiss Lecture


Ernst BambergEuropean Brain Prize
Ivan DikicWilliam C. Rose Award
Ivan DikicLeibniz Prize
Ivan DikicErnst Jung Prize for Medicine
Nina MorgnerERC Starting Grant

Erin Schuman


Hodgkin-Huxley-Katz Prize of the Physiological Society


Ernst BambergZülch Prize
Volker DötschReinhart Koselleck Project, DFG
Erin SchumanERC Advanced Investigator Grant

Martin Vabulas


ERC Starting Grant (Consolidator track)


Amparo Acker-PalmerGutenberg Forschungskolleg Fellowship

Thomas Prisner


The Bruker Lectureship of the Royal Society of Chemistry


Amparo Acker-PalmerPaul-Ehrlich- und Ludwig Darmstädter-Nachwuchspreis
Ernst Bamberg

Karl-Heinz Beckurts Award und Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences

Ivan DikicERC Advanced Investigator Grant
Ivan DikicOrder of Duke Branimir with Ribbon
Ivan DikicGerman Cancer Award

Alexander Gottschalk




Ernst Bamberg Wissenschaftspreis of the Stifterverband

Markus Bohnsack

Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) Distinguished Young Investigator Award
Jens BredenbeckADUC prize for 2008 of the German Chemical Society (GDCh)
Ivan DikicSir Hans Krebs Prize
Achilleas FrangakisERC Starting Grant

Ernst Stelzer


Heidelberg Molecular Life Sciences Prize (HMLS)


Heinrich BetzNature Life-Time Award for Scientific Mentoring 2008 Germany
Bernd BrutschyBonhoeffer Eucken Scheibe Lecture of the Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft
Alexander HeckelGrammaticakis-Neumann Award of the Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft

Alexander Heckel


Lecturer's scholarship of the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie 


Carola HunteBoris Rajewsky Prize in Biophysics
Roy LancasterBoris Rajewsky Prize in Biophysics
Martin PosGeorg Friedrich Götz Award - University of Zürich
Martin PosMercator Award - Switzerland

Thomas Prisner

Silver Medal  of the International EPR Society