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News Archive

Trapping light-catching proteins

December 2017. Novel approach to analyze photointermediate states of rhodopsins


Structural insights into ion conduction by channelrhodopsin 2

November 2017. Wild-type ChR2 structure solved at a resolution of 2.4 Å


Detecting new proteins in behaving mice

November 2017. By using innovative labeling methods, Max Planck researchers develop a technique to measure newly synthesized proteins in the active mouse brain.


Structure of the human MHC-I peptide-loading complex

November 2017. Cryo-EM structure provides framework for understanding the quality control of antigenic peptides in adaptive immunity


Microscopy method makes dimerization of membrane receptors visible

November 2017. Organisation of the toll-like receptor TLR4 on the cell surface


Mechanism for precise targeting of the immune response uncovered

October 2017. Structure of the peptide editor TAPBPR in complex with MHC I reveals how adaptive immune responses are shaped by high-affinity epitope selection


Molecular basis for memory and learning

Oktober 2017. Brain development and plasticity share similar signalling pathways


Biophysiker erhält den Adolf Messer Stiftungspreis

September 2017. Mit 25.000 Euro dotierter Forschungspreis geht an Benesh Joseph


Formation and stability of lipid membrane nanotubes

September 2017. Characterization of the formation and stabilization of the tubular endoplasmic reticulum


Conformational dynamics of DNA with atomic-scale resolution

August 2017. Resolving the conformational dynamics of DNA with ­­­Ångstrom resolution by pulsed electron-electron double resonance and molecular dynamics


RTN3 identified as novel ER-phagy receptor

August 2017. Reticulon 3 triggers fragmentation of ER tubules and their delivery to lysosomes


Structure of the mitochondrial TOM complex revealed by Cryo-EM

August 2017. Study provides detailed insights into the molecular architecture of the mitochondrial preprotein import machinery


DFG funds innovative cancer research with 1.25 million Euro

August 2017. Reinhart Koselleck project grant awarded to Rolf Marschalek


New 1.2 GHz NMR Spectrometers - New Horizons?

July 2017. Harald Schwalbe highlights research areas that will benefit from the new spectrometers


Stefanie Dimmeler honoured with Willy Pitzer Award

July 2017. Frankfurt scientist receives award for groundbreaking research on cardiovascular regeneration


Funding for new LOEWE research cluster DynaMem

July 2017. Algorithmic description and modelling of membrane dynamics


67th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

July 2017. Hartmut Michel’s presentation to an international audience of young scientists available online


New insights into how residence time of RNA polymerase and refolding kinetics must be fine-tuned for the regulation of transcription

June 2017. Pausing guides RNA folding to populate transiently stable RNA structures for riboswitch-based transcription regulation


Novel regulatory mechanism for ligand-induced action at a distance

May 2017. Helical jackknives control the gates of the double-pore K+ uptake system KtrAB


Higher resolution achieved through the combination of light sheet microscopy with SIM

May 2017. csiLSFM combines light-sheet fluorescence microscopy and coherent structured illumination for a lateral resolution below 100 nm


Linear ubiquitination controls Salmonella growth

May 2017. Combining super-resolution microscopy with cell biological analysis shows that ubiquitin chains transform the bacterial surface into a molecular signalling platform


Light-activatable antimiRs efficiently and locally restrict target miR activity in vivo

May 2017. Light-inducible antimiR-92a as a therapeutic strategy to promote skin repair in healing-impaired diabetic mice


Open Science Symposium eröffnete neue Perspektiven

April 2017. Sprecher nationaler und internationaler Organisationen diskutierten neue Konzepte von Open Science/Open Access


CEF-Forscher bei Wissenschaftssendung Quarks & Co

April 2017. Harald Schwalbe erläutert NMR-Studien zur Proteinfaltung im Fernsehen


Stefan Knapp to receive the Industry & Academic Collaboration Award

April 2017. Development of protein interaction inhibitors targeting bromodomains honoured by the Biochemical Society


Erin Schuman awarded ERC Advanced Investigator Grant

April 2017. Funding for research on specialized ribosomes for neuronal protein synthesis


Ivan Dikic awarded ERC Advanced Investigator Grant

April 2017. Dissecting and targeting ubiquitin networks in the course of bacterial infections


Shedding light on ribosome recycling

April 2017. Structure of the 40S–ABCE1 post-splitting complex in ribosome recycling and translation initiation


How to brew high-value fatty acids with brewer’s yeast

March 2017. Pre-product for innovative biofuels


Bright spots in brain cells

February 2017. Witnessing the birth of a tiny RNA at brain synapses


A molecular 'gear shift' in the nervous system

February 2017. Fast cAMP modulation of neurotransmission via neuropeptide signals and vesicle loading


Carbon nanotubes mediate fusion of lipid vesicles

January 2017. Membrane-spanning carbon nanotubes can trigger spontaneous fusion of small lipid vesicles


New insights into mechanistic details of co-transcriptional riboswitch regulation

January 2017. NMR structural profiling of transcriptional intermediates reveals riboswitch regulation by metastable RNA conformations


Unusual ATP synthase found in sleeping sickness parasite

January 2017. Structure of trypanosomal ATP synthase dimer reveals a threefold pyramid arrangement of catalytic subunits


General conformational dynamics of heterodimeric ABC transporters

January 2017. Crystal structure and mechanistic basis of a functional homolog of the antigen transporter TAP

