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Call for applications: GIERSCH Endowed Professorship (W2) for Bioinformatics
2 September 2015. A generous initiative of the Karin and Carlo Giersch Foundation enables the Faculty of Biosciences of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main in cooperation with the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) to offer the following position starting from winter term 2015/2016 with full-time employment restricted to six years:
GIERSCH Endowed Professorship (W2) for Bioinformatics
To complement its application-related bioinformatics, the Faculty of Biosciences is seeking a candidate with an outstanding scientific track record including both research and teaching in bioinformatics data analysis and/or modelling. A particular research focus should rest on the recognition and modeling of complex patterns in biological systems.
The candidate should capture and model biological processes by quantitative and qualitative analyses of comprehensive biological data comprising, for example, images and 3D image stacks. Via the integration with established groups working on high-resolution light and electron microscopy, molecular biology, biotechnology, ecology, behavioral biology, or biological sequence analysis the candidate should add to enhancing the faculty’s systemic view on biological processes. Ideally, the joint work includes the planning of data generation. We also expect an intense cooperation with the FIAS, which is located directly opposite of the new building of the Faculty of Biosciences, the Biologicum. The FIAS comprises numerous groups working on diverse theoretical topics. It provides access to a high-performance (computer)-infrastructure and facilitates further integration with groups working in computer-science related fields.
The candidate is expected to teach bioinformatics in bachelor and master curricula of biosciences, but also in the master curriculum of bioinformatics that is offered in cooperation with the Faculty of Informatics and Mathematics.
The Goethe University and the FIAS endeavor to employ a higher proportion of women in research and teaching and therefore especially welcome applications from qualified female scientists. For further information regarding the general conditions for professorship appointments, please see:
Scientists highly qualified by excellent teaching and internationally recognized research achievements are invited to submit their application within six weeks after the publication of this announcement with the customary documentation (CV, scientific and professional career, publications list, teaching experience, previous and future research projects [max. 3 pages], overview of acquired external funding, certificates) in electronic form (summarized in a single PDF file) to the Dean of the Faculty of Biosciences, Max-von-Laue-Straße 9, Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, email: Contact person for queries concerning the position are the Dean of the Faculty of Biosciences, Prof. Dr. Meike Piepenbring, email:, or the director of the FIAS, Prof. Dr. Volker Lindenstruth, Tel. 069 79847600, email:
Link to the Goethe University website