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DFG award for international marketing concept



December 2016. Goethe University Frankfurt is one of the winners of the 2016 DFG Competition for International Research Marketing Ideas. The successful concept “Let’s talk about UBAUT” was initiated by IBC2, LOEWE Ub-Net and SFB 1177 on Autophagy in collaboration with the Goethe University's Department of Internationalization and Department of Marketing and Communication.

The award comprises 100,000 €, enabling the ubiquitin and autophagy networks to implement a wide range of marketing measures for increasing their international visibility and attract further highly qualified international colleagues to the Rhine Main biomedical research area. The program follows a ‘bottom-up’ approach which will be driven by LOEWE Ub-Net and SFB 1177 scientists, involving the CEF community. It comprises ambassador visits to renowned research institutions in the US as well as short stipends for international scientists wishing to pursue a career in Germany and a strategy outreach meeting.


DFG press release

Goethe University press release

LOEWE Ub-Net website

SFB 1177 website

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Kerstin Koch, Institute of Biochemistry II, Goethe University School of Medicine, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, Tel.: +49 69 6301 84250, koch@biochem2.de