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„Ub-Net“ and „SynChemBio“ funded

15. Juli 2013. Research of CEF scientists has been selected for funding in the new round of the Hessian LOEWE programme:

The collaborative research project "Ubiquitin Networks (Ub-Net)“, led by the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, will be supported with close to 4.3 Mio Euro over a three-year period starting in January. Ubiquitin, the focus of "Ub-Net“, is a small abundant protein involved in the regulation of many important cellular processes. Knowledge of the complexity of ubiquitin networks is so far very limited. In "Ub-Net" scientists at the Goethe University Frankfurt will work together with colleagues at the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research in Bad Nauheim to clarify the basic mechanisms involved and to understand how errors in the ubiquitin system can cause human diseases. The company Merck-Serono in Darmstadt will participate as an associated partner so that promising targets can be tested for their usefulness rapidly.

In addition CEF scientists are partners in the newly funded collaborative research project "SynChemBio“, which is led by the Philipps University Marburg. "SynChemBio“ will use innovative chemical synthesis strategies for the selective modulation of biologicals processes. The enormous complexity of biological systems is the major cause why the selectivity of medical drugs is often unsatisfactory. Three universities in Hessen, Marburg, Frankfurt and Gießen, have joined forces in "SynChemBio" to find new approaches to increase the selectivity of chemical drugs and thus reduce negative side effects. The scientists will employ modern structural biology methods to understand the underlying principles of highly selective modulation. A broad repertoire of compounds and methods from organic, anorganic and nano-based chemistry will be applied. The State of Hesse will support "SynChemBio“ with close to 4.1 Mio Euro over three years.


„Ub-Net“: Ivan Dikic, Institute of Biochemistry II, Campus Niederrad, Frankfurt (Main), Tel.: +49 (0)69 6301-5964, ivan.dikic@biochem2.de.

„SynChemBio“:  Harald Schwalbe, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Campus Riedberg, Frankfurt (Main), Tel.: +49 (0)69 798-29130, schwalbe@em.uni-frankfurt.de.